Over the last 20 years, I’ve crafted an integrative, multi-faceted practice that integrates body, mind & spirit. To add to my offerings, I am currently completing an MS in Integrative Health with an emphasis in Wellness Coaching.

I’m thrilled to introduce Josie, my beloved therapy dog, who will be joining me in the studio. She brings a warm, welcoming presence and loves people—she may even offer a few kisses if you're open to them!

At three years old, Josie has traveled across the West Coast and Mexico and has completed obedience and companion animal training. She’s a gentle, intuitive companion who adds unconditional love and grounding to every session.





  • Advanced Bodywork for Relaxation, Wellness & Restoration 

  • Somatic Integration of Mental Health Therapy

  • Nervous System Balancing

  • Bodywork for Autoimmune Conditions, Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain & Fatigue

  • Injury Treatment, SI / Pelvic issues, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel, Migraines, and Tendonitis

  • Essential Oils to support relaxation and healing

  • Integrated modalities provide a holistic treatment supportive of your physiology, nervous system, and skeletal & muscular health